
Marketing Automation: Missed Revenue Captured!

How do you know if you’re ready to use email automation workflows?

  • You’re generating leads but ignoring the ones that are not yet ready to buy.
  • Your sales team is unhappy with the quality of the leads you’re sending them.
  • You’re sending the same emails to your entire list.
  • You’re collecting valuable lead information, but not using it for segmentation.
  • You’re not targeting your offers & messaging based on your leads’ needs.
  • You’re sending or following up to all of your emails manually.
  • You’re mass updating contact information manually.
  • You want to convert more leads to customers with better lead nurturing.

If your company/sales team has said any of these, then you are in need of an email automation workflow.

What is an email automation workflow?

An email automation workflow is a series of automated actions. These actions can be triggered by a lead’s behavior or contact information.

Ever receive a thank you email after you have joined a newsletter list? Or what about an email with similar products to something you have recently purchased online? Those two examples are a part of an email automation workflow. Workflows help nurture a lead into a customer by informing the lead about useful content from your company. This can also be used for returning customers, to bring them back to a company they know and trust to keep giving them quality products.

VIVO360 can transform your company’s marketing and sales teams with email automation by sending tailored content to the right segmented markets.

Many leads are lost or not converted into customers because they are not educated about a company’s offerings or products. Email automation helps these leads who are not yet ready to buy, be intelligently informed about your company. A study from Market2Lead recently found that leads who go through automated workflows have a 23% shorter sales cycle. That’s almost a quarter of your sales team’s time that could be spent on retaining customers or another aspect of their job.

How do you capture this lost revenue? Meaning, how do you turn on-the-fence leads into customers? That’s where VIVO360 is here to help. Our email marketing managers will educate, inform and guide your lead to become a customer. They will nurture the lead through an email automation workflow until they are ready to either purchase from a company or be directed to a member of your company’s sales team. No more missed customer acquisition opportunities because someone will be there every step of the way to guide your leads through the initial sales process.

This extremely powerful system can help generate missed revenue for your company.

According to a report released by Lenskold Group and The Pedowitz Group, 60% of survey respondents who use marketing automation say it has increased the quality of the leads that get passed to sales.

Want to learn more about how VIVO360 will convert your leads into customers through strategic email automation? Contact today!